Delivery & Return
Free delivery available on 1000s of products over $100. Choose a specific delivery date & time that suits you for an additional fee.

Orders get delivered normally on the following day to your address on weekdays except Saturdays and Sundays. But there are occasions that it takes two to three days due to transport errors or natural drawbacks like floods etc.
Most Courier services work half day on Saturday, so they only deliver Packages to customers closer to their distribution point on Saturdays. So, Orders made on Fridays could get delivered on Monday.
We send all orders placed before 4.30 pm to the courier service company (Prompt Express) on the same day. (Except Saturday and Sunday & public holidays)
Orders get delivered normally on the following day on weekdays except Saturday & Sunday. But there are occasions that it takes two to three days due to transport errors or natural drawbacks like floods etc.
Orders Placed after 4.30 Pm, we send the packages on the following day to courier company (Except Saturday and Sunday & public holidays)
No. Delivery services are closed on Public Holidays.
Prompt express Courier service Package tracking link:
Use the tracking number sent by our Shop. Call 033 2234 300 for more details.
Check to Prompt express Branch details close to your area by following link.
Only faulty items will be accepted as returns.
Example –
Damaged Item or Defected Item
Wrong item which is not ordered by you.